Sunday, June 16, 2013

One More Thing

A quick addition to the Father’s Day post.  After a l-o-o-ng day up at the church, we went up to Kilimakyaro Lodge to watch the sunset and have dinner out on the beautiful grounds there.  It turned out to be a highlight of the trip so far. 

We had the whole place to ourselves and the food was fantastic.  The mountain remained shy and did not show itself but the sunset was gorgeous. 

By the end of the night most of our group was dancing with all of the staff to some funky
African music out under the stars.  Even Oskar our driver was out there with some impressive                    moves of his own!

Just when you think a day could not be more full and memorable, Tanzania piles on with another wonderful time together on the slopes of Kilimanjaro!                                                                

1 comment:

  1. Let me guess who started the dancing.

    After a long serious day it is good to let loose a little.

    St. Matthews prayed for the group in Tanzania today in church. You are all in our prayers.
